Great start! Thank you for sharing your exploration with Lemmy, definitely a good place to get suggestions too…
Thanks 🤭 do you have any suggestions in particular?
My biggest fetish is one I cant suggest (just get horny when I see it), otherwise if you have partners who would shoot hardcore with you 🔥
But most important you do you!
You’re doing a bangup job so far 👍 Looking forward to seeing where you draw the lines for your comfort zone 😘
Hehe 🤭 I am too!
Just don’t burn yourself out! It is only Jan 3rd after all!
Well Suzie, all I can say is I can’t wait to see more of you 🥵
You’re doing perfect! Keep it up. I’m rooting for ya!
Thanks 😘
Idk that looks pretty comfortable to me
🤭slowly making progress!
Man you went from 0-60 in 3 days! I’m now wondering what your comfort zone is but excited to see you hit 120 😉
Stick around and find out 🤭
That’s an invitation I can’t refuse but I get the feeling your invitations rarely get turned down
🤭 they usually never turn me down
They usually never pull out either from how tight that looks either
They don’t get the chance.
Hopefully because of your strong amazing legs to keep them in. I would believe you though if it feels so good that they cum so quick they don’t even have time to pull out.
You’re doing an AMAZING job. Need a hand…or anything else?
I might 🤭
Maybe a tongue?
If you take a seat I can get you INTO a cumfort zone ;-)
Take a seat where? 🤭
Directly on my hard cock.
I was thinking on your lap 🤭 you naughty boy 😈
Mmm very good. I like everything about this pic. Love how your legs and ass look from this vantage point.
Hehe thanks 🤭
That’s one hell of a New Year’s resolution! Nothing better than getting in tune with yourself and opening yourself up to new possibilities. Proud of you! ☺️
Hehe 🤭
…if that tells you anything