Women dancing. Not talking about shaking ass and stuff which is meant to be sexy. I mean when they dance out of pure fun and happiness. When someone feels the music and just has to move.
Sexy - When a guy is really good at something and not at all cocky about it. That understated competence.
Nerdy girls!!! Depth and quantity/range of interests. Not “I play games some times” I like “check out my spreadsheet, my code, and my project I just made” - level of nerdy; a copilot; an explorer of life in all its facets.
That’s so great. I get kind of a pat on the head and awed look when I do stuff like that, he’s happy about it, not threatened or anything, but I don’t think he finds it sexy, maybe reassuring. But my legacy of nerdy daughters is my greatest achievement in life I think. The line continues.
Gotta pick just one huh? I’ll go with a guy who can cook.
Basics or pro chef?
Just basics, I’m no pro chef myself either 😉
Ok than I am good. 😊
Yes you are! I’ll handle the clean up 😉
as it turns out, beeing smart and willing to be vulnerable emotionally is damn hot
It really is!
That might be because I’ve been single for some years, but women smiling at/with me goes straight to the heart and that’s connected to other parts. Obviously.
Driving a stick shift
Or as we in Europe call it: Driving
Well let me tell ya about an 8 speed rig with a triple splitter and air brakes, with a 53 foot van and a full hazmat… CERTIFIED!
You haven’t driven a stick until you’ve shifted 24 times without repeats or synchromesh.
I was with you until the gatekeeping.
I’m with you again.
Are you a guy? Because I drive manual (hate automatic transmission in cars, don’t like shifting bikes at all though) and one time my husband borrowed his dad’s truck because his car was broken, we went out to a concert and he (husband) got drunk so I drove us home, it was so hard to shift that truck, I had to stand on the clutch, like my ass came off the seat. Anyway, I downshifted to slow down and drunk husband found it really sexy for some reason. So you are not alone.
I am a guy but this is something that my girlfriend told me. However, I personally do find women riding geared motorcycles hot. So I totally empathise with your husband :D
I don’t know how, I need someone to teach me!
Body Scents for me. If they have worked up a sweat from hard work or exercise I’m pretty heavily into that. Not every person has a scent I like though, and that heavily factors in if I pursue a relationship.