@natalieexking and @sooogsx
Black. Beautiful eyes, and looks like she’s got that best pussy disorder
It’s the lips. 🤌🏼
White definitely going to get it from me
I refuse to choose, imma do terrible things to both. The freckles make me lean to the right though, and I’m typically partial to gingers.
Black has such an innocent look and deserves a big carrot from me!
It’s the tattoos on the redhead. Remove the tattoos and they both look innocent.
I love her tattoos! I love the bangs and freckles on the dark hair girl though. It’s that combo that gives her a more innocent look I think.
Difficult to pick, but black’s freckles put her in first place for me
If the one in white is a true redhead then her
Black baby
White, gotta give those reds attention