IMO, preferences for partners should never be taboo. What you do about it can be, but the preference itself is a matter of your individual biological drive.
Some like older individuals, or individuals of the same sex, opposite sex, or somewhere in-between (something more ambiguous); some light skin, dark skin, younger, or they may find certain genetic traits common in certain regions attractive.
NONE of those preferences are wrong in and of themselves. However, in the same breath, I would say ACTING on those preferences or emphasizing specific preferences (most notably attraction to pre-pubescent individuals) is, and should be a crime. Most cultures on earth have set age guidelines for when society is satisfied that an individual is fully matured (some 18, some 16, some older than that, or even younger than that). Once that person has satisfied their societies constraints on the legality of them being sexually active, while some may find their preference uncomfortable or even creepy, provided it doesn’t violate the laws, that’s all it could be, is uncomfortable or creepy to other observers.
I’ve seen several times, people being shunned for their preference; I get it often enough. I have a preference towards lighter skinned and/or Caucasian descendent people, who are biologically female and present as such; I’m fairly cis-normative and I recognize that. however, for my preference, I’ve been branded a racist by some. I want to make it clear that I am not; I have no prejudice towards people based on their skin tone or culture or their heritage, they’re just… not my type. I’d also say that I’m a great supporter of human rights, including the right to wed whomever you want, provided it doesn’t violate the age laws of your society, regardless of who they are otherwise; and that all individuals regardless of skin color, race, religion, belief, gender identity, sex, or all other factors, should be treated fairly and equally, and with bodily autonomy.
I am an LGBTQ+ ally; and that will never change. Everyone should have the right to be as happy, or as unhappy as everyone else, with all the risks, benefits, and challenges that come with the decisions they make, same as everyone else; with the only exception being the very young who have not reached the age of maturity as governed by the culture and society in which they live, and the relevant laws therein.
I appreciate this; I don’t disagree with you.
Some would counter with “if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck”; which is a reasonable argument in and of itself. It wouldn’t be unreasonable to suspect that if things are being said that is CSAM affirmative, then it’s possible or even likely, that the individuals in question are probably participating in the viewing, distribution, or even production, of such material.
One of the good things about the internet is that it becomes harder to have a group or community so isolated that it’s not able to be inspected at a moments notice by anyone with an internet connection; Especially if the content is of a questionable or illegal nature, and the perpetrators of that content’s production and distribution are not very intelligent (and bluntly, most don’t seem to be). It becomes harder to “hide in plain sight” as it used to be, especially when trying to further your questionable or illegal goals. At some point those individuals need to poke their head into the public spaces to try to recruit more people who are sympathetic to their goals, and by doing so, they can readily be found, investigated and hopefully charged and imprisoned for their activities.
If there is any CSAM on any lemmy instance, or people perpetrating CSAM via lemmy, I hope the individuals who are engaged in any related activity are caught, charged and imprisoned for their actions.