Here’s a lightbulb moment: stuff costs money and time, even if it’s on the internet. Whatever you get for free
Alex. It’s entirely unnecessary to be this hostile. I host websites, services, and build software for a living. I’m well aware of the time & resource costs of doing this… I made no claim otherwise.
I clearly approached this with good faith, asking specific, pointed, questions to surface important facts about this instance. NONE of these where answered or addressed.
I offhandedly mentioned the taste of the posts tone, and moved on saying “You probably have your reasons” to indicate I’m not attacking you. It’s just my opinion, and moved on.
Do you feel in some way entitled to my and PL’s team time and resources? Have you contributed in any way to PL, financially or otherwise, so you can have a little say of its future? Or is this a “Entertain me, peasants” mentality?
- Nowhere did I make any claims of entitlement.
- Nowhere did I complain about the content.
- Nowhere did I attack, discredit, or trivialize the resource it takes to run the instance.
You’re attacking ghosts and lashing out at me. I understand you probably have gotten a lot of flak running an instance, but that’s no reason to be so hostile and insulting.
Especially if you’re goal is to actually sell the thing.
The important thing here, the bulk of my previous comment, is what matters. Do you have additional information for those questions?
If you’re serious about offloading this instance, then lets focus on the things that matter here, which are the facts about the instance, not the egos?
How it this measured? How is it trending? What is the actual dollar value you are evaluating this at? What are the operating costs?
Pretty sure this is cute butts. Not photoshopped butts.