• southsamurai
    122 months ago

    Not being clothed when quick action was needed. That’s why I stopped sleeping naked ages ago.

    Only time I do now is if me and the wife get frisky and fall asleep like that.

    Matter of fact, one time we did, it ended up reinforcing why I don’t sleep naked. My dad was having a heart attack and was coming to me for help, and I had to fumble into clothing while making my way to him. My dad lives with us; I just noticed it could look crazy without that fact.

    No consequences from that tiny delay, but it was an unnecessary delay. And it was when I changed how I set up my stuff in the bedroom. Shoes at the foot of the bed, go bag beside them with anything I pull from pockets in it along with enough basic supplies for an overnight stay someplace like a hospital, plus bare minimum supplies for other kinds of overnight situations. Shirt on top of the bag. Cane and jacket by the bedroom door, or on the chair near the bed.

    If I gotta grab and go, I can be ready by the time I’m out of the bedroom. Or I can be ready for any realistic in house emergency.

    But waaay back, I had other instances where I needed to be ready to roll asap, and the delay of getting dressed just added more stress and confusion to an already difficult situation.

    Refining how I set myself up at bedtime was done over years dealing with the occasional high priority event showing what was most likely to be needed or useful in the event something was wrong now. Rearranging it for having someone in bed with me permanently seems to have made it where I think it won’t need changing

    It even extends to where some things are in the house. The first aid gear is central, in a small cabinet that’s built into a wall. One big bag, plus a few stacks of stuff for semi urgent care. It’s further away from me than I’d prefer if I needed to grab and go again, but it’s the fastest location from any given section of the house.

    Other stuff gets put where it’s most likely to be needed, or where it’s easy for someone not familiar with the house to be verbally directed to. Extinguishers, as an example.

    All of which is tangential to what you actually asked, since I don’t sleep naked very often, even post connubial bliss. Which was something that kind of annoyed my wife until my dad’s heart attack. She got it then.

    But that’s the only problem I ever had with sleeping naked. It’s way more comfortable, the skin gets to breathe free, and temperature regulation is easier. Totally the best way to sleep.