Well, it was two classes over two days, an hour each class. So four total hours.
Well, it was two classes over two days, an hour each class. So four total hours.
I sat here thinking a bit before typing, and I’m still thinking.
But, I can’t recall a single time where it wasn’t a mutual decision, as in something that all parties knew was going to happen when the meeting occurred.
Closest I can get was messing around waaaaay back in my youth, and even then the time I can recall it wasn’t exactly planned ahead of time that it would lead to sex, it was more of a plan to look sexy, and it worked.
I had really good guidance about sexual matters growing up, from the first time I expressed curiosity about it. My parents, and other family members, kinda drilled into me to “be a gentleman”, which meant taking no as no, period; and to approach it with respect for a partner. Not necessarily in those exact words except the “be a gentleman” part, but that was the idea.
So I always looked at it as collaborative. If a girl didn’t show interest beforehand, I wouldn’t usually even try to get things going.
The best example was one of my sister’s friends. She had stayed over a few times, and there was mutual interest. But, being my sister’s friend, and being her guest, we hadn’t had a chance to do anything about it.
Until we did. She knew I would be there alone until my sister and parents got back from a shopping trip, and arranged to be dropped off very early.
But, it wasn’t like she had decided we were going to have sex, it was more that she wanted me to see her as sexy, and it worked; and since she was showing real interest, I let my interest be known very directly, and we got swept up in it. It could be argued that by picking clothes that showed off her undies easily, and by picking undies that were very visually appealing, that she subconsciously intended for things to end up where they did, but she specifically said that she wanted to see if I would make a move, and hadn’t known she would go all the way.
Tbh, I didn’t start out thinking it would lead to sex, I was thinking more making out and a bit of manual stimulation of her, since that’s where we had left things the one other time we ended up alone together long enough to go past flirting. At most, I was thinking maybe a bit of mutual manual stimulation.
What can I say? Youth and impulsive decisions are like peaches and cream.
Well, as far as your request for models, that’s a no because I ain’t about to send people pics or otherwise show myself on the internet.
But, to your title question, that’s a yes. Back in college, I took art electives, and the instructor asked for volunteers for that class. I didn’t have anything better to do, so I did it. It was a little strange, and more difficult than I expected, but a good experience overall
That’s via sketchbook, isn’t it?
Because they were attractive?
I wouldn’t describe my genitals without a good reason to do so.
For one, nobody really wants to know randomly, so it would be rude.
For another, it’s a pointless endeavour; a description is going to be a matter of trust. If someone trusts me that implicitly and wants to know what my dick and balls look like in detail, I might show them if they have a good need and if I trust them implicitly. If they don’t trust me, it doesn’t matter what I say, they wouldn’t believe me, so fuck them for asking.
It isn’t about confidence, I’m happy with my junk. At this point in my life, confidence isn’t an issue with my body. It’s just a meat suit, and how it looks to others is about as useful as the last poop I flushed.
That being said, since you asked, let me untie it from around my waist and see if I can get it all in my vision at once ;)
Well, it’s like any social trend. Like bell bottoms.
There’s been trends of deplilation all over the world over millennia. Sometimes for aesthetics, sometimes for supposed health reasons (yay merkins!), sometimes for sexual reasons, or religious.
The current trend for it came along with porn, supposedly. And my personal memory matches the progress of it.
Porn is a visual medium. The sex is for watching, so getting the best images possible become more important than anything else. It’s one of the reasons big dicks are the default.
Shaving gives a clearer field of view.
So, now you’ve got all these dudes and some gals enjoying that view. Their sexual ideas get shaped by what they see, and they want to match it.
Then, as they match it and discover the convenient side of it, real sex becomes associated with it. So you get a feedback loop where people just assume they’re supposed to shave. You even run into people thinking that there are hygiene nineties benefits to it (even though it’s either neutral or slightly unhygienic in a real sense).
That, in turn, makes rejecting hair a social norm, even though it all started as something that was more of a private matter (pun intended).
And, yeah, you nailed exactly why I won’t shave any more. It used to be I would do it for partners if they asked, but my wife loves my body hair, all of it. Which is lucky since I’m furry like a baby sasquatch. But even if she ran off tomorrow, I wouldn’t do it any more too itchy, too many ingrown hairs, the extra hassles and increased skin health risks. Nah, not for me.
It’s their body. Seriously, for me, I never cared much at all. I’m hetero, and I always thought it was weird that women shaved legs and armpits. Like, why? That tend to have much finer hair to begin with, it’s usually soft, and it’s pleasant to touch. Stubble sucks, and there’s such a short window when it isn’t there.
By the time shaving pubes vegetable became super popular, I had been eating hairy pussy for a decade or so at least. Play with it for a while before getting in their, and loose hairs aren’t a problem. Smooth it out amd get in there, no problem.
But, it isn’t like there’s anything wrong with shaving or trimming either. Smooth legs are fun in their own way, and you can see their lines better. Trimmed pubes are fluffy and fun. Smooth shaved are slick, slippery slopes of sexiness. Stubble still sucks though.
For real, it’s all fun, it’s all nice looking in its own way.
Hey, no worries, I just wish I’d had the internet when I was figuring all this stuff out :)
Look, a lot of what matters in terms of putting a larger penis into someone is how relaxed everyone is.
Vaginas are muscular. The more tense those muscles are, the less they’ll be able to accept something girthy. Length doesn’t matter in this regard, only girth. You could have two inches of length and have no issues getting it into a tense vagina, but once you’re two inches across, that tension matters.
And, tbh, the woman being tiny overall doesn’t mean her vagina is going to unusually small. It might be a little shallower than a taller woman, but it most definitely isn’t a guarantee. Some very petite and short women have enough depth that while you might still bottom out, it won’t be by much, and that’s easy to adjust for via position.
That’s important. Some women love feeling a cock bumping their cervix. Some like it pounded. But not all. There’s plenty of women for whom it hurts. So with a new partner, take it easy, especially if she hasn’t had a range of previous partners to have figured out what she likes.
Even if a woman uses very long dildos doesn’t mean she’ll like her cervix bumped by a penis. For one, a lot of toys are extra long because the woman needs the length to be able to have a good grip to use it. So a toy could be longer than you, and still not bottom out. And, even if it does, it doesn’t mean that the experience is the same as a penis.
A partner having had experience with toys never correlates directly to what they’ll like with a penis because unless they’re on top, they can’t control the speed and force of thrusting. An inexperienced woman may not know how to be on top while controlling depth and force.
But, overall, the key to good sex is communication, not positions and tricks. Know ahead of time what’s off limits, what’s wanted, and pay attention to your partner’s state of being.
Foreplay is great, as long as both parties are into it. So, communication matters more than specific actions. But start slow and gentle. It’s easy to ramp up to more intense kissing and touching, but it’s way harder to scale things back once someone has reached the point of discomfort. So take your time and enjoy the moment. Use gentle touches until there’s an indication your partner is ready for more.
Oral isn’t foreplay. It can be, but you have to think of it as a thing unto itself. Not every partner is going to want to reach orgasm every time you go down, but you treat it like you’ve got all the time in the world, that you’re there just for that. Oral is one of the rare acts that can be all about one person. Can be. A lot of people, it’s the only time they get to kick back and just feel.
So, even if she comes, and needs to stop, accept that. The fact that you spent the time and are willing to be patient means that your partner can be at ease, inspiring knowing that they can take a break and it not be a problem. Almost every time, they’re going to come back to activity more eager, more into it, and any further sex is going to be much better for everyone involved.
But, remember the communication isn’t all about your partner. A partner is going to be wanting you to have a good time to, if it isn’t some kind of casual hookup (and even then, they probably will). So let them know what you want to do, verbally even. When things feel good, express that. Feedback lets everyone involved have a better time.
I think it’s also important to be aware that you shouldn’t chase orgasms, yours or theirs. Yeah, orgasm is awesome, and wanting them is too. But the key is to not get so fixated on it that it turns into a race. Don’t push for it, don’t make it something that if they can’t/don’t orgasm, something is wrong. Not everyone orgasms easily. Sometimes, those folks feel pressured to orgasm, and it turns into a complex where they feel bad for not getting there.
Women in particular may only orgasm from specific things, or may take a very long time. So, if that’s the case with your lady, just be okay with what she’s okay with. It isn’t you, most of the time, so don’t make it about you. Like, if she’s wanting to take a break, or says she’s not going to come, just shrug it off. Offer to do something else, or to have a session later, whatever.
Like you said, your want her happy with herself and her body, so being accepting of any little stumbling blocks is going to help her be that, and to stay relaxed and comfortable with you.
I’m not saying every session has to be about the other person. It should be mutual, where everyone is happy. It’s just that not everyone has to have the same kind of happy every time. Just like you don’t have to get a nut to have had a good time, let your partners have that same freedom. So just communicate about it, no pressure involved.
I will say though, it can be difficult to have a sense of how and where your penis is hitting early in one’s sexual journey. What feels like a shallow thrust might actually be uncomfortable. Nine inches is going to bottom out on most women, in most positions. Just like the average penis is around 6 inches. The average vagina is around that deep.
So, if she doesn’t like her cervix bumped, manage your distance. Being a little further back in doggie, as an example. You don’t have to have your hips right against her ass, if you’re hitting bottom. Having her shift so that her upper body is less “face down; ass up” shifts where you’re going to hit, and how deep.
Prone boning, where she’s laying down on her stomach and you’re coming in from above keeps you from going too deep, just be careful about how far you pull out. Surprise butt sex isn’t fun for everyone, and that position makes it easy to happen.
If she’s on top, she can control depth by leaning forward more. This also allows for her to have her clitoris being stimulated by the pressure more, which is often a better feeling.
I dunno, I think that’s about as good as I can get without knowing a lot more about your bodies and preferences. Be slow until she’s ready for more, communicate well, and enjoy the moment
A lot presenting as non submissive is posture.
Stay upright, shoulders back, and half the job is done.
Keep your arms controlled. Doesn’t matter if they’re in your pockets, moving at your side, it they’re crossed, they just need to be controlled. No fidgeting, no clutching them.
The head being upright, while making eye contact helps a lot in presenting as either dominant or at least not submissive.
Think about it as owning your space as well. You don’t just own your body, you own the space as far as your arms can reach. I’m not talking about refusing to let anyone into that space, is about how you think, because that changes how you move and present yourself.
Watch people in a crowd sometime. When someone needs to get through, do they duck, and bend and squeeze through, or do they move with intent and ask for space to get through? You can be assertive and even outright dominant without being a dick. A tap on the shoulder, an “excuse me”, those are not submissive, they’re polite
Clothing wise, unless you’re hitting a kink club, I’m not sure it matters. I’ve known many a dominant “twink” in my days, and they don’t really dress different from other body types on average unless it’s in a place where people are all dressed for roles.
A side note: back when I was bouncing and otherwise doing security for clubs, twink always meant both lean and feminine, as well as either submissive or non dominant. You did run into some power bottoms that called themselves twinks though. It’s always interesting how terminology shifts over time and by location.
I’m not the best one to ask about how a guy can look sexy. Cishet, so I just don’t see the male form as sexy at all, I’m limited to whether or not an outfit is flattering, I can’t rely on attraction to guide it.
That being said, lean guys are most aesthetically pleasing when they favor clothing that accentuates their body lines. Pants and shirts that are close to the skin, with maybe something looser over top. Back in my younger days, one of the more popular styles was tight jeans, a form fitting single color tanktop or tee, with a silk shirt in a complementary color over that. The over shirt gives motion and a visual pop, while the rest makes the body the focus. That’s the basic idea I’m talking about.
When you’re lean, as opposed to athletic or outright muscular, it’s all about how the lines of the body flow vertically. Play into it, particularly with the abdomen and chest. If you’ve got more muscle, you can emphasize those areas, but it comes down to the overall view if you’re on the edges.
If you’ve put time into your pecs and arms (some lean guys do), don’t be afraid to show them off. Shorter sleeves, a tighter fit across the chest so that the pecs pop more.
It’s kinda hard to be specific though, I’ve never been a clothing/fashion kind of thinker, I’m just going off of what I’ve observed being successful in terms of guys not leaving a club alone when they have that body type, and how the general style looks when photographed.
But, for real, most of it is in how someone moves, and that’s largely based on how they think of themselves. There’s exceptions for sure, but when you’re in a setting like a club or bar where you want to attract partners that are going to match your dominance/submission preferences, the more you think with confidence, the more you act with confidence, and that presents as being more dominant in your preferences, even though confidence isn’t inherently dominant, nor is inconfidence inherently submissive. We’re just talking looks and impressions here, not actual personalities and psychology.
And when it comes to that, nothing is as important as posture, eye contact, and owning your space. People respond to that.
Viability of sperm is such a high factor in what reaches the egg first that I can’t see order mattering.
If we’re talking a full day of cream pies, yeah, the guy that goes last isn’t going to have his swimmers even medal, much less take gold.
But an hour? Nah, not a big factor compared to sperm motility.
Mind you, there would be an advantage to going first, it just isn’t going to be a huge factor compared to motility and sperm health. If number one has a low count and poor sperm health, number fifty would have a better chance if theirs are Michael Phelps in sperm form.
Mind you, if the ovum is there and ready, the journey to it isn’t going to take hours and hours, so the bit about number fifty is an exaggeration for funsies. That would only be realistic if they were all premature ejaculators and moving fast.
However, sperm health still matters in that hour longish window. It the first guy has bad sperm, and/or a low count, the guy going last could still end up being baby daddy instead of him.
Out of the millions of spermatzoa that are in a healthy jizz, you might have a few hundred that actually make it to the egg’s location, and there’s still a chance that the first one to touch the egg isn’t the one that succeeds. It isn’t like they tap the wall, and it’s over. There’s some chemical magic involved that doesn’t trigger immediately on contact. So, if sperm 5 is perfect, and sperm 1 isn’t, #5 could trigger the event that makes the others not be able to wiggle their way in.
Believe it or not, gang bangs to get pregnant are actually a thing. It isn’t always the first guy that ends up with a biological child.
As long as they’re old enough to reasonably be expected to be an equal partner in a relationship, there isn’t a limit.
Assuming that someone can exhibit that criteria by means other than age, as long as it’s legal.
But that’s hypothetically. There’s no way in reality that I’m going to have enough commonality and connection with anyone still in their teens, period. Not gonna happen.
Even early twenties, at this point in my life, I haven’t met anyone in that age range that I could be a good partner for, nor they for me. It’s about stages of life and motivations and goals.
I can’t imagine actually going the distance with anyone younger than thirty at all. If I were still single, and setting up a dating app, that’s where I’d set the lower limit, and I’m fairly confident that nobody at the very bottom of that limit would be a good match overall.
That being said, my wife is over a decade younger than me, so I’m well aware that age itself isn’t an inherent limit to long term compatibility. It just greatly limits the chances of it working. Once you hit a 20 year gap, there’s just so much in between, in terms of experience, life goals, and shared perspective that it is stacked tall against it working as a true partnership. Since that’s what I want, not just someone to live with and have sex with, it ain’t happening in reality.
When me and my wife fist met, I was dubious at the gap, 13 years. But I was still in my late thirties, so someone in their twenties that was very sure of what they wanted in a partner made sense. Still does, over a decade later. So big gaps can work out, as long as you don’t rush into things.
But now, at 50, how the hell would me trying to build a partnership with someone in their twenties work? I remember my twenties, I remember other people at that age. Me now wouldn’t think me then would be a good partner for a woman my age. And he wouldn’t be. He would have tried, if it came along, but there’s just so much that happens to a person in twenty years. It’s astronomical odds of it working.
Well, I block any of the pic/vid based communities because that’s just not my thing.
But the key to any activity is an active posting culture.
Porn and porn-ish communities have to have either self posters that want to be seen, or someone “feeding” external content via link or gif, same as on reddit. In a lot of cases, even there, you’d have one poster making the sub have content, often for their own use, and users were passive. Trying to “boost” activity of posting porn related content like that is kinda difficult because you have to be motivated to post, and you can’t really externally generate motivation.
Text based communities like this one, you just need to hit a degree of awareness, so that even users that don’t think of the instance as somewhere you’d go for discussion will think of specific communities and use them instead of a general purpose instance’s communities. That does take “seeding” questions for this specific community, or otherwise making posts for other types of text based nsfw content.
Now, as far as my personal wants regarding activity levels, I think the instance is doing fine on average. It’s not unusual to see a new community of image posts pop up here and there that I’ll then block. And it’s fairly common that this community has a post often enough that I think of it as being one of the more active communities on the instance. Which means I don’t have a want regarding activity.
Man, I don’t let people take pictures of me. Not even nudes, none. I haven’t allowed anyone except my wife and the DMV to take any pics of even my face in fifteen years, and the exception was our wedding.
I’m weird, I know. Tough shit lol.
Now, I have used a camera in “bed”, but not recording. More like a mirror kind of thing, at an ex’s request. But that’s not the same as filming, imo.
As far as tying someone up, I’m actually pretty vanilla in my preferences. I don’t have any real kinks. But I’m kink friendly. I’ll play along with most things to some degree, and that includes bondage. I actually really dig bondage photography, though not on a sexual level. I just enjoy the way it ends up framing the human form in a way you can’t get without it. It’s visually compelling.
I dated this one lady, back around 2002 ish that liked being tied up, and liked being filmed or photographed. So, sometimes we’d do that, just with the understanding that I don’t do pictures of myself.
Yeah, the whole key to it is to be aware of the situation that women are in.
Position your body so that they aren’t “cornered”. No touching at all, no looming, choose your words to be an invitation rather than pressure. Part of that is making an introduction first, rather than just going for it.
Make the invitation open and honest, as well as appropriate to the venue. Include, right after the introduction, an offer to bugger off if you’re intruding.
You can do all this while still being confident, and presenting yourself in a way that matches your inner self. If you’re a bit of a show-off comedic sort, great, follow that up with some humor. If you aren’t, then stay real.
Example. You say, “hey, I’m southsamurai (well, please don’t impersonate me), is it cool if I join you?” You’re asking permission as well as initiating contact. You could go with “hey, I’m southsamurai, and I’d like to join you for a bit” if they say no, you give them a smile and walk away with a polite wave. If they agree, take a seat or whatever, and lead off with “thanks, just tell me to bugger off any time you want. So, how bout them bears?” The bears part is to gauge their awareness of the omnipresent threat of ursids, not a random example of smalltalk. If they didn’t offer a name, ask their name right after joining them; but most of the time, if they don’t offer a name, they aren’t interested and are just being polite/avoiding trouble, so be aware of that and be ready to bugger off.
As far as positive humor goes, that’s subjective for the most part. But avoid telling jokes. Seriously, no knock knocks, no gags or bits. If that’s part of who you are, great, but it’ll otherwise be one of those things where you’d be rolling the dice. You get the right roll, they’re into standard jokes, and laugh. Roll wrong, and they have to decide whether or not to laugh to make you feel better, whether or not the joke is positive and friendly or not.
The more performative you are, the more it turns into you showing off rather than treating someone like a human being first.
So, if you aren’t the sort for casual and neutral joking, don’t try to learn it. Just focus on being who you are, while showing interest.
But, the most important thing, imo, is to never reach a point where you have to wonder if you should bugger off. Do so instead. If you feel the vibe is working, offer your contact info and outright say that you’re going to head off and not impose on their time. Most of the time, if they are into you, they’ll either stop you, or make some kind of gesture like giving you their contact info, or ask if you really have to go, something like that.
The rest of the time, they haven’t decided yet, or they aren’t into you at all, and either way it’s better to just bugger off with a smile and a wave. Just, for fucks sake, don’t go around hitting on everyone around after that, even in a singles meeting group.
You don’t have to be uber handsome. You just have to be clean, smell decent (no fucking axe or cheap aftershave), and be respectful. I’m not saying that is going to make every woman love you, I’m saying that part of being attractive is putting in basic effort for your state. Looks are inherently subjective, though there are some common factors that make a big chunk of average attraction. You can’t control your features, but you can control bathing and putting together a decent outfit that matches your self.
We’re nestled up against the Appalachians. Bad weather, aging parents, extended family, our critters being attractive to predators, you name it, I’ve had to jump and run for it.
Basketball shorts can bugger off when you live where you might run into coyote, feral dogs, or whatever else might want to grab a bite of a leg. Plus, in winter that’s a different hell no lol.
Crocs are fine as far as that goes, and I keep a pair by the door. But you can’t trust them if you’re moving fast, or I can’t. They also aren’t great in winter, or rain.
If I knew ahead of time that all I’d need to do is something minor, I could just sleep in lounge pants or sweats. But if I’m having to drive a half hour at batshit speed because one of my cousin’s cows is in trouble, and nobody else is answering, I ain’t showing up in clothes that can’t handle the task without scraping up my knees. Which, you’d think someone other than the disabled fucker would answer the damn phone when we all benefit from the farm in one way or another, but nooooo, I’m the one that answers, and I can barely help with the real emergencies with the cows. That’s an aside though.
If I’m heading to somewhere that family needs support, I may not need jeans or whatever, but I’ll need my go bag since when something goes wrong, you can’t guarantee you’ll only be there a few hours. The actual bugout bag is stashed in the closet. We’ve never had to evacuate, but it’s there in case. My go bag is purely for the bare basics overnight, with the assumption I’ll be returning home in reasonable time to refill my medication supplies.
But, yeah, I sleep in jeans. I buy stuff that’s loose enough it doesn’t bother me at all. If anything, the extra warmth over lounge or pajama pants is nice. No boots, I keep a pair of those at my cousin’s, which is the only place I’d need them often enough to make them useful. Just a solid pair of trail shoes that I can wiggle into. Since I sleep in socks for comfort anyway, they work better than crocs even for running out the back door to shoot a predator after the birds. Socks n crocs with feet my size pinch and grab, or if I go a size bigger, will slide around too much.
Last time I had to go running, it was my cousin. Ended up having to help him with a calf that wasn’t coming out. Swapped out to boots when I got there, and it was an all night thing.
Time before that, it was just a coyote (or maybe feral dog, it’s hard to tell in the dark) stalking the rooster. By the time I was out the door, even being partly dressed, with shoes that slide on, grabbed the shotgun and got out there, he had lost some feathers and was beating the ever loving hell out of the thing. While I think he would have finished the job of running it off on his own, if he hadn’t, it only takes a few seconds for a predator to tear up even a big rooster like him. A few seconds can matter.
Shit, I think it was may or June last year my sister called me needing a bit of personal security due to a stupid ex. She’s only fifteen minutes away, but I don’t want to show up to maybe have to kill a motherfucker in shorts and crocs. It’s fine if I could shoot the idiot, but I’d probably have to get up close and personal, and I’m already disadvantaged with the disability shit, so I ain’t fucking around with inferior footwear lol. Crocs are comfy as hell, up to a point, but they’re not built for sparring, much less a full out fight.
Homie, shit gets crazy up here lol. The really crazy stuff might only be a few times a year, yeah. But when they happen every damn year for decades, you kinda start planning for them.
Not being clothed when quick action was needed. That’s why I stopped sleeping naked ages ago.
Only time I do now is if me and the wife get frisky and fall asleep like that.
Matter of fact, one time we did, it ended up reinforcing why I don’t sleep naked. My dad was having a heart attack and was coming to me for help, and I had to fumble into clothing while making my way to him. My dad lives with us; I just noticed it could look crazy without that fact.
No consequences from that tiny delay, but it was an unnecessary delay. And it was when I changed how I set up my stuff in the bedroom. Shoes at the foot of the bed, go bag beside them with anything I pull from pockets in it along with enough basic supplies for an overnight stay someplace like a hospital, plus bare minimum supplies for other kinds of overnight situations. Shirt on top of the bag. Cane and jacket by the bedroom door, or on the chair near the bed.
If I gotta grab and go, I can be ready by the time I’m out of the bedroom. Or I can be ready for any realistic in house emergency.
But waaay back, I had other instances where I needed to be ready to roll asap, and the delay of getting dressed just added more stress and confusion to an already difficult situation.
Refining how I set myself up at bedtime was done over years dealing with the occasional high priority event showing what was most likely to be needed or useful in the event something was wrong now. Rearranging it for having someone in bed with me permanently seems to have made it where I think it won’t need changing
It even extends to where some things are in the house. The first aid gear is central, in a small cabinet that’s built into a wall. One big bag, plus a few stacks of stuff for semi urgent care. It’s further away from me than I’d prefer if I needed to grab and go again, but it’s the fastest location from any given section of the house.
Other stuff gets put where it’s most likely to be needed, or where it’s easy for someone not familiar with the house to be verbally directed to. Extinguishers, as an example.
All of which is tangential to what you actually asked, since I don’t sleep naked very often, even post connubial bliss. Which was something that kind of annoyed my wife until my dad’s heart attack. She got it then.
But that’s the only problem I ever had with sleeping naked. It’s way more comfortable, the skin gets to breathe free, and temperature regulation is easier. Totally the best way to sleep.
Otherwise, they can’t reasonably understand what a punk little bitch they are