Is there a way to increase the amount of cum?
Take multiple guys at once, duh
Hydrate, and edge…
I wasn’t even sure you could actually have an impact with a diet/supplement.
This being Internet and all I’ll need to do a bit of research but thanks for the TIL.
Zinc as well, to an extent. Don’t overdose though, it’s possible and nauseating.
Grab the knob and crank it to 11
suck another dick
For volume, shag a microphone!
Google cum stack
You can always rob a sperm bank… 🤷♂️
Maybe I’m going to state the obvious here but how long since your last ejaculation comes to mind as the biggest factor: several days ago > yesterday > same day
Pro-tip- Girls actually don’t like a large volume of cum. It’s messy and gets in their hair and eyes. Only in porn do they love it. Because they get paid and are actors. The normal volume is 1.25 to 5ml. That is still something most women don’t want to deal with.
Cum is a fun visual in porn but in real life it’s a messy mess. So don’t worry about increasing your volume.
I’ve written about this before but my long term ex had huge loads and ack, terrible horrible taste. As I didn’t have experience with oral, I thought all guys were like that, and couldn’t for the life of me understand how anyone could enjoy oral sex. It was really nauseatingly unpleasant. Could only spit it out and brush my teeth.
Well, next guy I fucked had low volume neutral tasting cum and I had a big moment of revelation. Husband is the same way, and both of them are once or twice (or thrice) a day guys, and vasectomized, ex was more a once a week guy and so ridiculously fertile it was kinda problematic. Which makes me wonder if the literal sperm tastes bad, and also if waiting days makes more volume.
You can count me among the women who don’t prefer big loads.